Add/Edit Email Addresses

Add/Edit Email Addresses

Here you will learn how to add and update your company email addresses

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Login to your administration panel admin.yourwebsiteaddress.com

  2. Click "Main Menu"

  3. Click on "Settings"

  4. Select the "Store Setup" tab in the “Settings Categories” area

  5. Click on "Email Related" to reveal the available options

  6. Here you can adjust the various emails.


As an effort to reduce spam, email providers typically prevent the sending of email “from” an address or server which is not authorized to do so. It is recommended that your store utilize only addresses with your @yourstorefrontdomain.com in the email settings of your admin. Not doing so should be considered both potentially troublesome and a configuration only for advanced users. While you can do so at your own risk, recognize our staff will only be able to assist users who are configuring their outbound system emails using the storefront’s domain.


Visibly Displays on the Site
(on pages, in emails)

Used Internally by the Software



Visibly Displays on the Site
(on pages, in emails)

Used Internally by the Software


Contact Email*


from, reply to, to

Used for general site contact.

Debugger Email


This setting controls where debugger emails are sent and can be located by typing “debugger” into the settings search area. It is not listed in the Email Related settings section.

Delivery Email


Used for sending the delivery staff emails.

Employment Email


Used for controlling the email used for employment related sections of the site.

General Reply to Email*


from, reply to

This is the email address that will be assigned to most emails that are sent from the server.

Marketing Email


Used for sending the marketing department emails.

Merchant New Files Email


Used for sending a copy of new file notifications.

Merchant New Order Email


Used for sending a copy of new order notifications.

Merchant New Order Email (BCC)


Used for sending a Blind Carbon Copy of new order notifications.
WARNING: Setting this to the same email address as Merchant New Order Email will result in what appears to be duplicate new order emails being sent.

Messages Email

for call center functionality. Internal software email…software can check this email address for new csv formatted emails and display the email in system. Used for outside call centers that take messages for the company

The email address used for when the call center forwards messages from customers.

Online Designer Email


Used for where emails are sent that are generated by the online design tool.

Order Comments Email


Order notes submitted by the customer are sent to this address.

Production Email


Used for sending the production department emails.

Quote Email


to, cc

Used for sending quote department emails.

Sample Email


You won’t find this listed in the Email Related settings section. However, emails about sample requests are sent from the General Reply to Email and are sent to is the contact's sales rep’s email address.

Support Email*


from, reply to, to

Used for sending the support department emails.

Webmaster Email


Used for sending the webmaster emails.

*WARNING: Email domains must match the storefront domain name or they will fail sending!

**Emails in the sales rep ACL area must match the storefront domain.

***Storefront owners emails primary account (their contact account) email MUST match the domain or some emails may fail when sent from the software.

MX Records and SES

  • MX Record - A MX Record is a verified record source used to specify a mail server responsible for accepting incoming email to your domain.

  • SES - Amazon's Simple Email Service is the service that AutoPrint websites use to send outbound email on behalf of the store. 

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