Integration Settings

Here you will learn how to update your analytic upgrade settings.

Step-by-step guide

You have 2 options:

Add in settings area to predefined database setting (recommended)

Admin Left Nav > Main Menu > Settings > Integration Settings > Google Analytics

  1. Login to your administration panel

  2. Click "Main Menu"

  3. Click "Settings"

  4. Click "Integration Settings"

  5. From here you can update various settings connected to analytics 

Google Analytics

  • Enable Google Analytics - Enables the use of Google Analytics. For more information please visit

  • Google Analytics Multiple Subdomains - Enables the use of Google Analytics for multiple subdomains so they can be tracked as a single domain.

  • Google Analytics Multiple TLDs - Enables the use of Google Analytics for multiple website top level domains (i.e: .com .net .org) so they can be tracked as a single domain

  • Google Analytic Signup Page - A link to your Analytic signup page. You just be registered with Google Analytics before this can be used

  • Google Analytic Urchin ID - Sets which Google Urchin ID is used to identify you to Google

Google Webmaster Tools

  • Google Webmaster Store Key -  They key used to identify your store page to Google

    Step 1. Click the alternate methods tab

    Step 2. Click the HTML tag radio button

    Step 3. Copy the webmaster tools code into your admin settings and then save (this is your admin section within the software)

    Step 4. Click the verify button

Google Maps

  • Google Map API Key - The API key used to identify you to Google Maps

  • Google Maps Latitude Center - Sets the default latitude when using Google Maps

  • Google maps Longitude Center - Sets the default longitude when using Google Maps

Google Search

  • Enable Google Custom Search - Determines if Google Custom Search is enabled

  • Search Engine Unique ID - The unique ID to identify your website to Google Custom Search


  • Enable Facebook Affiliate Share - Enables Facebook Affiliate Share. The Affiliate Share is located on the last page of the shopping cart and allows customers to share their purchases on Facebook

  • Enable Facebook Login - Enables customers to log in using their Facebook account

  • Facebook App ID - The ID that is used to identify your app to Facebook. For more information please visit Developers.Facebook.Com

  • Facebook App Secret - The secret token used to identify your app with Facebook


  • Yodle Id - Used to identify you to Yodle and allow access to the YoTrack API

  • Yodle Offers Widget ID - Used it identify you to Yodle and retrieve offers you have created on the Yodle foundation platform.

  • Yodle Photo Widget ID - Used it identify you to Yodle and retrieve photos on the Yodle foundation platform.

  • Yodle Review Widget ID - Used it identify you to Yodle and retrieve business reviews on the Yodle foundation platform.

Flow Route

  • Flow Route API Access Key - The access to allow software to communicate with Flow Route

  • Flow Route API Secret Key - The secret key to allow software to communicate with Flow Route

  • Flow Route Signup Page - Unify calling and messaging on a single phone number. Flow Route must be signed up for before you can access. You must set the callback URl to http://store.(YOURDOMAIN).com/callback/smshandler.html


Use the JS Integrator to manually add JS code (more flexible)

Admin Left Nav > Storefront CMS > JS Integration > Insert Code

Give your new code snippet a name i.e. "Google Analytics", paste the google code, apply to the relevant template pages and then save.

Remember that you'll be responsible for setting all of this up! Just changing settings in the admin isn't enough.

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