Manage Shipping

Manage Shipping

Here you will learn how to control what pick-up, delivery and shipping options are displayed on your site via your administration panel.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Login to your administration panel admin.yourwebsiteaddress.com

  2. Accessing Shipping Manager

    1. Click Shipping in the left nav

  3. Select a Provider | Enable/Disable
    Providers are Enabled & Disabled Based on the Options within them.

    1. You can Enable or Disable all options by clicking the buttons

    2. You can also select Yes for Enabled or No for Disabled on an individual option

    3. To completely disable a provider IE "I do not want offer UPS",disable all option/methods under that provider and it will not longer be displayed on your store.


  4. Add/Edit Zip Codes
    You can dictate what shipping options are available where by zip code, this is very useful for local delivery.

    1. Add Zip Code will launch an interface that will let you select an entire state or cities within a state and add those zip codes to the shipping option. (To select more than one city at a time hold “Control” on your keyboard when clicking your mouse to select.

    2. Edit Zip Code will open a window and allow you to manually input zip codes or delete zip codes that have been added.

  5. Shipping Mark-Ups & Flat Rates
    You can offer public retail, your negotiated rates, add mark-ups to either or set a flat rate.

    1. If a price is inputted into the Flat Price field, that is the price that will be served for that shipping option.

    2. If all mark-up fields are left at 0, either your Negotiated Rates or Public Retail will be served based on the selection you made in settings.  (See slide 10)

    3. Shipping Mark-ups are done on a sliding scale. Below the floor percentage is set to 20%, with a $2 Floor Dollar and a floor weight of 1 then a 5% ceiling percent, $5 ceiling dollar and 200 ceiling weight.

      Example 1. (We'll use round number, these are not true shipping costs)

      1LB=Negotiated Rate of $5

      $5+2+($5*.20)=$8 (Total Mark-up of $3.00)


      Example 2. (We'll use round number, these are not true shipping costs)

      200LB=Negotiated Rate of $200

      $200+$5+($200*.5)=$215 (Total Mark-up of $15)


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