Artwork Settings
Here you will learn how to adjust your Artwork and File Preparation settings
Step-by-Step Guide
Login to your administration panel
Click "Main Menu"
Click on "Settings"
Click on "Store Setup"
Click on "Artwork/File Related"
From here you can adjust various artwork and file options
Upload on Cart View Page - This setting controls if customers can upload on the cart view checkout page or not.
Black Key Check - This setting checks if the file is checked for a ‘rich’ or solid black color. This can be used to assure high quality CYMK printing of blacks with a mix of colors, versus 100%K which can often print grey.
Bleed and Safety Area - The amount of safety to be added to files. Usually will be .125 or .25
Display Bleed - Determines if the proofing tool displays bleed lines.
Enable Corporate Portal - Determines if the corporate portal is enabled or not.
Enable Online Designer - Determines if the online design tool is enabled or not.
Preflight Tool Active - Determines if the preflight tool is enabled.
Solid Black Build - The settings necessary for a 'solid black'. Entered in a CYMK format as |C|Y|M|K|
Make sure you consider carefully before enabling these options. Decide how you want a customer's order flow to go and adjust these to properly set it up.