Backups and Security

Backups and Security

Here you will learn more about security and backups for autoprint websites:

What kinds of backups are made for websites hosted on the platform?

We store high level database backups. This means if your database (or a table within the database) becomes corrupt we would be able to repair it. All backups and restorations are done without user intervention. 

What sort of 'future proofing' is offered?
We assure that the platform will receive constant and frequent updates to the foreseeable future. If at any time the platform should be discontinued we will make sure to work with all customers to assure that their websites will be able to remain up.

Will any changes to our website be shared with other users

No. All changes made to your own website(s) are considered your own personal user data and will not be shared with any other users of the platform. All creations, including designs created by the design tool, are yours and yours alone. 

Never hesitate to contact us if you have further questions.

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