Upload A Logo
How to add a logo & favicon to your website storefront to uniquely brand your website.
Step-by-Step Guide
Login to your administration panel admin.yourwebsiteaddress.com
Click "Storefront CMS" on the left hand navigation
Select "CMS Features" then "Branding"
Browse for and select your logo file or drag and drop your logo file into the designated area
Your logo is uploaded and enabled when it appears in place of the default logo
Important Notes:
Remember to follow the size and format guidelines specified on the upload page. (Less than 600px wide or 300px in height.) Overly large files could scale oddly. For best results, make sure your uploaded artwork is as close as possible to the size the system suggests. The software will automatically resize overly-large images but this may lead to an image that is smaller than expected
You can also upload your favicon. This is the icon that will display in the top left of the user’s browser tab when they are visiting your website. Search the web and follow the latest favicon guidelines and suggestions for best results