Updating Storefront Theme Settings

Updating Storefront Theme Settings

Here you will learn how to modify your storefront theme settings via your website administration panel.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Login to your administration panel admin.yourwebsiteaddress.com

  2. Click "Storefront CMS" > "CMS Features" > "Theme Settings" on the left hand navigation

  3. By default you will be using default settings. Feel free to make any changes or you can leave all settings as-is and your storefront will work perfectly fine.

  4. After you make changes be sure to click "Save"

  5. When you are ready to make your theme live click "Activate".

Sometimes, in order for changes you make to show up on the actual storefront you have to hard refresh the page to reload images and style files. Here’s an article about how to do that:


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