Editing Coupon Codes

Here you will learn how to edit existing coupons.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Login to your administration panel admin.yourwebsiteaddress.com

  2. Click "Coupons" on the left hand side

  3. Click on "Browse All"

  4. Click the EDIT button

  • Coupon Code: The code customers will enter at the checkout screen.

  • Discount: The amount the discount is for. This can either be a percentage or a flat dollar amount.

  • Minimum Subtotal Required: The minimum subtotal a customer must spend to qualify for the discount

  • Number of Usages: The number of times this coupon can be used before it expires. Coupons can be set to infinite use by setting their number of usages to 0.

  • Type: Choose if this applies to entire categories or specific products.

  • Store: What storefront this coupon applies to

  • Tier Level: What tier of customer can use the coupon

  • Valid on: Set what days of the week this coupon can be used on

  • Hours of Use: Set what hours the coupon is valid for

  • Expires: When the coupon expires.

  • Coupon Description: The description of the coupon

  • Options: 

    • Valid for New Customers Only: Coupon will only work for Leads with 0/0 orders

    • Order Coupon: Coupon will apply its discount to the ENTIRE order.

    • Use Only Once Per Customer: Customers may use coupon a single time

    • For Internal Use Only: Only valid for admins placing orders

  • User specific:  Only certain customers can use the orders.

    • To make a user specific coupon available you must first visit the contacts view profile page and click on User Coupons

    • Select the coupon you would like to make available to the user

    • Associate the coupon to the user

Be careful when editing coupons! A typo can be a serious mistake.

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