Edit Users/ACL Roles

Here you will learn how to edit your user's ACL roles

Step-by-step guide

  1. Login to your administration panel admin.yourwebsiteaddress.com

  2. Click "User Roles/ACL" on the left panel

  3. Click "Roles."

  4. Select the role you wish to edit by clicking on the Role Name.

  5. From here you will be taken to a series of categories. Select the category of service you want to give your user access to. 

  6. This will open up a menu with a list of all available permissions in that category.

  7. Double click on the item you want to edit in order to adjust it. Please make sure you double click. This will open up a drop down menu that lets you select various options

Site -  Determine if this permission applies to the Hub or the Hub & Storefront

Access -  Determines if this role has access or not.

Delete -  Determines if the role can access the Delete function

Edit - Determines if the role can access the Edit function

Import -  Determines if role can access the Import function

List - Determines if role can access the List function

View - Determines if role can view.

    8. Scroll to the bottom and click Save once you are done.  

Please note that customizing User roles is for advanced users only. Careless editing can disable critical functions or allow employees access to areas they should not. There is no limit to the number of users that can be assigned to roles, including administrator

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