Sales Rep Management Tips & Information

AutoPrint software provides site owners features to effectively use sales reps across the various functions of the site. Below is a guide to locations within the Knowledge Base where various Sales Rep assistance can be found.

Quick links to other areas of the Knowledge Base containing Sales Rep information

General Information & Sales Rep FAQs

  • Can assignment of Sales Reps be randomized? Yes. In Settings > General Settings > Randomize Sales Rep List can be set to (YES or NO)

  • Can I set/change the Default Sales Rep assigned to new contacts? Yes. In Settings > General Settings > Sales Rep (Default Assigned) (PULLDOWN to select default rep)

  • Is it possible to prevent showing the name of the sales rep on storefront reports? Yes. In Settings > General Settings > Sales Rep Display On Forms (YES or NO)

  • Can I prevent my storefront from displaying sales rep info on the storefront? Yes. In Settings > General Settings > Sales Rep Display Verbiage On Store (YES or NO)

  • What if I don’t call them “Sales Reps” can I change that? Yes. In Settings > General Settings > Sales Rep Verbiage (Text field to set your own terminology. e.g. Sales Representative, or Customer Representative, etc.)

  • Can I control whether sales reps can override the website default pricing tier set? Yes. In Settings > Signup Settings > Allow Sales Rep To Override Default Pricing Tier (PULLDOWN to select Do Not Allow Override, Only Sales Rep Profile Page, or Sales Rep Profile AND Account Signup Page)

  • Can I set the commission rate for sales reps?

    • Yes. Visit USER ROLES / ACL > ROLES > click BROWSE SALES REPS > then select EDIT ACL DATA > Enter the commission percentage in the Commission Payout % field and press UPDATE.

  • How are Sales Rep Commissions calculated?

    • Generally, sales rep commissions are calculated based on the profit of sales not on gross sales and depending upon which license it is calculated as follows:

      • Hub = Sales Rep commission is calculated based on the cost column in product e.g. Cost

      • Manual Push Storefront = Commission is based on the storefront’s cost column e.g. SF Cost

      • Auto Push Storefront = Based on the storefront's cost column e.g. WS Cost

  • When calculating commission payouts, tax, shipping costs, and credit card fees are excluded.

  • In the Payment Related settings area admins can determine how commissions are handled when charging a convenience fee - Convenience Fee Is Commissionable (YES or NO)

  • The Storefront Payout Negative Commission (YES or NO) setting in Report Settings > Sales Reports allows admins to control if a negative commission is calculated for the storefront payout report.

  • The Redirect To Rep Profile Page (YES or NO) setting in Settings > Modules > Affiliate Programs controls if a visitor is redirected to the affiliate's sales rep's profile page or not when they click on the affiliate link.

  • Can I allow a sales rep to post their own box label message that will override the company message. Yes. In Settings > Shipping Settings > Box Labels > Allow Rep to Post Message (YES or NO)