Category Setup
Here you will learn how to set up your categories for products
Step-by-Step Guide
Login to your administration panel
Click "Catalog"
Select "Insert Category."
Name: The name of the category you want to create. (i.e: Business Cards, Flyers and Postcards, etc.)
Description: A description of the category here
Specs: A bulleted list of items in that category
Once you've created this category you can adjust its ranking by going to the Category Groups option at the top of the page.
The numbers on the right at the ranking of the category. Higher appears earlier. Use the drop down to adjust it.
The Edit and Delete buttons allow you to adjust the name or, of remove, the product
You can also control various attributes for how the category will display on the store by clicking on the category name and then clicking on the various check boxes highlighted in the images below:
Be sure to click the save button when done!
HUB Only
To push updated images to a specific storefront, find and select each storefront URL in the Find storefront text input then select Copy Images in the Copy Prices, Boxes, or Images pulldown, confirm. To push a new category image out to all storefronts select All Stores in the Find storefront text input, then select Copy Images, confirm.
Be cautious when deleting categories! Make sure you're clicking the correct button.