Campaign Schedule

Campaign Schedule

The Campaign Schedule will give you a quick way to review what email marketing campaigns will be going out to your various contact groups.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Log into your admin.yourdomain.com

  2. From the Main Menu select CONTACTS > CONTACT BLASTER > CAMPAIGN SCHEDULE to display a calendar view of scheduled campaign.

  3. Hover over the blue block for any campaign to see a quick glimpse of previous or future scheduled campaigns.

  4. Click on the blue block for any campaign to open a detailed overview about the campaign where you can see an image of the campaign, and details like the category assigned to the campaign, the group or groups to whom it was sent to or to whom it will be sent, the sender of the campaign, the subject line of the email, and details about the schedule.
    On this overview, you can click the EDIT CAMPAIGN button to open and edit the campaign.