The Campaigns page allows you an at-a-glance overview of email marketing campaign details.
Step-by-Step Guide
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In the Main Menu select the Campaigns link in the Contacts menu under the Contact Blaster item.
The default page view will provide you a detailed overview of recently sent and upcoming campaigns.
Filters can be used to determine which campaigns are displayed - adjust the various selections and press the FILTER button to apply your filter selections.
Information available about each campaign includes:The status of the campaign, the date sent or scheduled, and the frequency
The category assigned to the campaign
If sent the Open Rate is provided as a percentage value
As well as the Click Rate for links in sent campaigns.
Hovering over the small magnifying glass icon beside campaign names will give you a quick glimpse of the actual campaign, and clicking on the icon will provide a more detailed popover window with campaign information and a larger screen image.
At the right on every campaign line is a MORE pull down menu. Clicking on this menu provides you with the option to view more detailed reporting about a sent campaign, to edit the campaign, to suspend the campaign, duplicate the campaign (for additional marketing campaigns), or to delete the campaign.
If you select VIEW REPORT from the MORE pulldown menu on sent campaigns, you can review additional data about that specific campaign including:
How many contacts were sent the campaign
Basic info about the campaign like subject, groups to whom it was sent, and the schedule for the campaign
The number of times the email was opened for viewing by recipients
How many times links were clicked that were included in the campaign
How many emails were bounced (or not delivered)
How many recipients elected to unsubscribe from future email campaigns
How many orders were placed originating from a link in the campaign
The average amount of those orders
And total revenue generated by this particular campaign.
NOTE: Clicking on the numeric values in the report will jump to the appropriate tab (Sent To, Clicked Links, Orders) to view more details about that aspect of the campaign performance. The linked values for Opens, Bounced, and Unsubscribed will take you to the Sent To tab where you can review to whom the campaign was sent, as well as detailed info about who clicked links in the email in the Clicks column, bounces in the Bounced column, and who unsubscribed in the Unsubscribed column.