1a. Activate & Enable the Corporate Portal feature on a storefront

Storefronts can activate & enable the corporate portal feature using the following procedures.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Enable the Corporate Portal on the Storefront

    1. Login to the admin go to Main Menu > Settings > Artwork / File Related > Enable Corporate Portal > Select CanvasBase > Save

  2. Install the Corporate Portal App

    1. Login to the storefront website that the corporate portal app will be installed on then browse to App Marketplace > Browse > CanvasBase Corporate Portal

    2. Click the "Install" button to install the corporate portal

  3. Set License Pricing

    1. Open the "License Config/Setup" tab.

    2. Set the pricing for the licenses on the storefront.  

    3. Click "Save" to complete the setup of the application. (Saving is required in order to issue app licenses and use the app.)

  4. Request Storefront Licenses

    1. Click the "Request Licenses" button to request the licenses

    2. Select how many licenses that the storefront is requesting to issue from the Hub. (This will allow the storefront to issue up to the number of selected licenses to their customers.)

    3. Click "Submit" to request the licenses on behalf of the storefront.

  5. Contact Your The Hub / Software Issuer to Issue the Licenses

    1. An email will notify your hub of your license request, they must approve your request for your licenses to be issued, you may want to contact the hub / software issuer to make sure your licenses are issued.

  6. Request Organization / User Licenses (The storefronts users will need to request licenses from the storefront now that the storefront has licenses)

    1. Login to the storefront of the website you wish to enable the corporate portal on as the customer requesting  the corporate portal app.

    2. Visit My Profile > Applications (You must be belong to an organization and be using the site as an organization. Click here to learn about creating organizations.)

    3. Click "Mangage License(s)"  Request licenses for use.  (1 license = 1 portal, for every portal the organization needs to create you will need to request one license.)

  7. Issue User / Organization Requested Licenses On The Storefront Administration

    1. Log back into the storefront administration to issue the licenses requested by the storefront. 

    2. Go to App Marketplace > Licenses

    3. Click "Issue licenses" for the license requests you wish to fulfill.

  • The cost for portal Storefront licenses are set by the Hub.

  • The cost for end user (client) licenses are set by the Storefront.

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