Here you will learn how products are constructed and how they calculate. Below is a breakdown and explanation of the entire catalog eco-chain.
Each option value has Pricing Tiers | Turn Time | Groups | Rank
Turn Time, not to be confused with the Print Turnaround option, is literally the time (in hours) that some action takes. For example: If you added a Print Turnaround option and then added a value called "Next Day" you would probably want to set the turn time for this value to 24. The Print Turnaround option is a bit unique as it has 3 more attributes: Cutoff Time, Extended Cutoff Time and Production Time. For example: the Next Day option value we just added in the previous example may be set up like this:
This means we are going to mark up the price by 100%. The customer must place the order prior to 6pm but they will be given an opportunity to extend the cutoff up until 8pm for an additional fee (we set the price in the admin settings) and we begin production at 10pm. The job will be ready 24 hours from 10pm (providing all other option values have a turn time of 0).
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