General Report

Here you will learn how access a General Report

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Login to your administration panel

  2. Click "Reports" on the left hand navigation

  3. Select "General Report"

  4. Select the Report you want to run and adjust the date range as needed.

  • Index - Whereas other links in the General category take you to a specific report with a pre-set date range (which can be adjusted after the report loads), this page allows you to select a date range before selecting your desired report for that date range.

  • Best Sellers - Displays the list of best-selling products

  • Orders Per Hour - Displays of orders in an hour-long timeframe

  • Orders Per Day - Displays a list of the order per day.

  • Orders Map - Displays completed orders by location there were ordered from on a map

  • Orders IP Breakdown - Display the IP Addresses used to log into customer's account

  • *(HUB ONLY) Trade Network Product Updates - Provides a listing of recent product updates implemented by a connected trade network partner.

  • *(HUB ONLY) Storefronts - Provides filterable data on child storefronts under your hub.

General Reports are useful for tracking sales patterns so you can understand the busiest times and most commonly ordered items.

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