Common eCommerce Myths & Misconceptions

Common eCommerce Myths & Misconceptions

Think about this: Just because someone is a Microsoft Word expert doesn’t mean they’ll become a best selling author.

Likewise, you likely won’t become a successful online retailer just by getting your online print ordering system all set up and ready to go. This concept falls under the “Field of Dreams” myth of eCommerce.

In this module, you’ll review an online article about eCommerce myths and misconceptions and contemplate how holding to each myth could limit your success at selling print online.

Preparation: Get a pen or pencil and some 3x5 index cards.

Review the following article and, in your own words, write each eCommerce myth the author introduces on one side of a 3x5 index card. NOTE: You should write only one myth per index card, so you’ll end up with a set of index cards with blank backs when you finish the article.


Read: Top 10 eCommerce Myths


Analyze: Now, one at a time, review each myth you recorded on the 3x5 cards. As you review the myth, flip each card over and write your thoughts about how holding to the myth yourself could negatively impact your own eCommerce-enabled print business.

Pass It On: Schedule a coffee break with another employee in your business. Take time to review what you view as the top five myths that challenge your eCommerce business and discuss ways to work together to ensure your business is positioned to bust the myths in daily operations.

Schedule Myth Reviews: Place a 15 minute eCommerce Myth Review on your calendar monthly for the next 3 months and review the front and back of each 3x5 index card. If necessary adjust your notes about the potential danger the myth poses to your eCommerce-enabled print business.

Level Up Your Staff: If you found the coffee break with your employee useful and you have other employees you believe would benefit a similar conversation, either schedule your own coffee break, or encourage the employee you previously met with to schedule a similar coffee break with an additional employee to complete the same activity. Continue the process with any employees who would benefit from a similar coffee break conversation.

Bonus Reading:
The Main Myths And Misconceptions Encountered In E-Commerce

If you complete the bonus reading, add any additional myths you discover to additional 3x5 cards and write your thoughts about the danger holding to each additional myth could pose to your business.

Decide if any new myths would be included in a top five eCommerce myths concerning your development as an eCommerce business.

(Launched 21 Jan 2021 • Last Updated 28 Jan 2021)


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