Requesting Trade Network API Credentials

Requesting Trade Network API Credentials

Here you will learn how to request trade network api credentials.

Step-by-step guide

  1. To request a 4over API you will need to fill out the following and email their API department:

    Please contact: 

    Email title: 
    API request - {include your email address}

    Email Body:
    4over Account Email Address:
    State of Business:
    Legal Business Name:
    Individual’s Name on the Account:

  2. Once 4over completes your request and supplies you with your API keys please login to your administration panel admin.yourwebsiteaddress.com

  3. Click the help icon in the upper right of the admin and then click "Contact Your Hub"

  4. Give your HUB the API keys and request access to the 4over API

Once you provide that information your hub will put the request in with the trade company to generate your API credentials.

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