Requesting A Password Reset

Requesting A Password Reset

Here you will learn how to request a password reset via the shopping cart

Step-by-step guide

  1. Goto your website yourwebsiteaddress.com

  2. Click on "My Profile" or any other link that will take you to the store account sign in page

  3. On the store account sign in page click on the "Forgot password?" link and you will be taken to the forgot page

  4. Type in the email address you created your account with and then click on the "Request Password" button

  5. You will receive an email with a special link.

  6. Click the link and then you will be prompted to enter a new password

  7. Once you save a new password your old password will no longer be valid.

  8. That's It!

Remember that all passwords are case sensitive. Make sure not to mistake I for I or O for 0.

**This applies to both customers passwords and also admin passwords

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