Job Artwork

Job Artwork

Here you will learn about job artwork in your website administration panel.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Job Artwork

    1. Upload Files-This will launch the file uploader for the job, this will override any files that may have already been uploaded to the job. 

    2. Delete All Files Below-This will delete all files uploaded to the job

    3. Pre-Flight Files-This will launch the pre-flight tool. File Specific Functions

      1. File Name-The file name will always be the same as the job id, along with the dimensions of the job, the file type and an additional identifier of which file it is IE 04012015.GDF_4.25x5.5_FILE_1.jpg

      2. Proof-View a proof of the file with bleed lines

      3. Reassign-Reassign the file to a different job under the same contact's account in the approved or on hold status. 

      4. Del (Delete)-Delete the individual file. 

The files on the job will be located here

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