Adding Suppliers

Adding Suppliers

Here you will learn how to add and modify suppliers

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Login to your administration panel admin.yourwebsiteaddress.com

  2. Click "Suppliers" on the left-hand panel

Add New Supplier

  1. Click on "Insert Supplier."

  2. Fill out the information given including name, business contact, phone number and other

  3. Click "Insert Supplier" when finished.

Edit Existing Supplier

  1. Click on "Browse Suppliers"

  2. Click on "Edit" next to the status bar of the supplier you want to edit

  3. Adjust information and click Save.

Enable/Disable a Supplier

  1. Click on "Browse Suppliers"

  2. Click on the Enable button (to enable) or the Disable button (to disable) to change the status of the supplier from active to inactive or vice-versa.

Make sure to keep all this information up to date to avoid confusion.

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