Using Cost per Piece - Number of Pages calculation method, it is possible to add a multipage document product to your store.
Log into your
Click the “Catalog” link in the left side menu
Add a new category or select an existing one to which you want to add the product
Click the Insert Product link in the black bar at the top of the page
Complete the Product Details portion of the page (for help with these fields see Insert New Product), ensuring you check the Custom Quantity option in that section
In the Product Pricing & Options section designate the size of the product for which you are building a pricing calculator.
In the Standard Options area, add your Quantity option category (Some users like to customize the Quantity label to read something like “Copies of Document” on the product page instead of Quantity) and set the calculation method to the Cost per Piece then define your price point values accordingly.
In the image to the right, the product’s next option is Colors (note the screenshot has a custom label of Single or Double Sided). Add this option category and values to your product assigning the category a calculation method of Cost per Piece - Number of Pages
Add the Number of Pages option category to your product.
NOTE: When you select the Number of Pages option category you will be presented with a popover dialog box to generate your option values. Follow the instruction in the dialog box to generate your option values for Number of Pages. Once you hit the Generate button, the system will automatically add option values to your Number of Pages option according to your selections.
Once your value sets are created, you should check that the Cost per Piece - Number of Pages calculation method is selected.
For each generated value option, enter your pricing keeping in mind that you are pricing based on the specified number of pages in the document. So, a Number of Pages value of 12 at Cost per Piece - Number of Pages would represent the product’s price calculation if the user specifies the finished document has 12 pages.
Number of pages is a specialized option category that, when added to the product, will display additional data on the product calculator:
Total Pages: n (represents the total number of printed pages in the order)
Cost Per Page: $n.nnn (represents to 3 decimal places, the cost of each page in the document)
Cost Per Set: $n.nnn (represents to 3 decimal places, the total cost per document in the order)
Add a category for Paper Type and also set the calculation method to Cost per Piece - Number of Pages - Enter costs to represent the specific added price of a single sheet of each paper type value you want to offer.
Complete your product option/values keeping in mind that the selected calculation method for each option category will determine how the option affects the pricing. For more info on calculation methods see the Insert New Product page.